Friday, August 1, 2008

Irony in "The Chaser" by John Collier

The irony in “The Chaser” by John Collier is that Allen was looking for love but in the end he needed a poison to get rid of his love. He said the potion he needed was to make his love fall in love with him, the old man replied “One might call it a life-cleaner.” Alan said he didn’t want to have to do with that, but was warned that the love potion; not the poison was very strong. The old man says “if she takes this she’s going to be scared of the girls you meet at parties,” it’s that strong. He sells the potion to Alan for only one dollar knowing that he will be back to buy the poison. The old man knows this because he knows how effective this potion is. So that sums up the irony of this story because he wants to fall more in love with the girl he’s with but he’s going to end up not liking the result and going back for the poison.

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